Saturday 23 July 2011

10 days in.....

I dont look like I have changed much do I? On the outside no but with any amount of luck lots of changes are taking place inside.
I have become a bit lazier and quiet. I still go mad when I see Mummy in the mornings, but I dont jump up as much as I used to. I will see a vet in another 10 days and she will feel my tummy and see if my uterus is swollen, she may even be able to feel the outline of my growing babies, they will feel like marbles. On day 28 we will have a scan to confirm pregnancy and possibly give us an idea of how many I will have.
Right now the cells have seperated going from 4 to 64, they are entering the uterus as we speak and in the next 10 days will implant in the uterus.
Am I showing signs I might be? yes...along with being slightly lazier than usual, my heat has ended a little earlier than it would normally. I am still a bit swollen in the lady area. These are subtle signs that I maybe. Mummy is making sure my diet is exactly right and today I ate scrambled egg, I usually hate it, I dont know who was more surprised me or Mummy when I produced a clean bowl!!! I might start to have a bit of morning sickness, I did last time and that means just one thing RICE & CHICKEN! Get in! I love the stuff. My food doesnt need to be increased just yet we have a while to wait. At the moment I am just lapping up the fuss.....

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