Tuesday 22 March 2011

Tianna v The DogFather

Hi ya All,

This is me...Tianna, beautiful arent I? I am 6 months old, I adore lazing around and getting Ginge in trouble...but ssssshhhhhh dont tell Mummy that!

Its been quiet here, Spencer has settled in nicely, Miley has been good and Ginge and I have had lots of fun play fighting and taking Mummy and Daddy for a drag to the park. We are so skilled at the dragging to the park that we can get the whole family to do it....until today and I am not best happy I can tell you, it all started like this.......

It started a nice normal day, the small humans came down and set about eating bowls of food at a table, yes I know a table, why they cant use the floor like the rest of us is beyond me! Daddy then came down and gave us ours, pretty normal up to now right down to going out in the garden to do our business. This whole time Dad is wittering on about how Graeme is going to sort us out, no idea what it meant but to be honest wasnt all that bothered, humans are so easy to get round. Just as Mummy and Daddy sat down with their tea it all changed....everything! In comes Graeme, well he seemed so lovely it would have been rude for me not to jump all over him, he didnt like it one jot and pushed us away...yes you read right pushed us away!! I mean how could he we are just gorgeous, everyone says so! I tried it a few more times because bless him he couldnt have known what he was doing, its not his fault after all he is human. But no he was pretty adamant that I wasnt allowed to jump all over him, was slightly annoyed when he went even further and told Mummy and Daddy to do the same when we did it to them. After a little while I started to get it, I trotted over with my prettiest face and sat in front of him, all I wanted to do was say Hello, and then BINGO! he did it he fussed me, boy I was so happy I wanted to jump up all over again, but obviously I wouldnt be able to make him fuss me if I did that!
Mummy and Daddy discussed our walks and how we get to drag them, Ginge and I love it its a great game, so when my lead came out I was MEGA excited YAY the dragging game!!! No...not allowed to drag either. He kept flicking his wrist so my collar tugged everytime I tried to run in front OMG it was annoying, so in the end I got him to walk nicely. If I am honest it was a much nicer walk, Mummy wasnt mad at all, still kept getting that irrating tug, but unbeknowns to them I have sorted that, I just walk nicely that way they cant do it, wonder how long it will take them to work that out!

All in all I am an exhausted girlie, and Ginge is an exhausted boy we have been sleeping in the kitchen ever since, so its goodnight from me and goodnight from him.

Tianna x

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